Engaging Topics!  Extraordinary Delivery!

Achieving Emotional Sobriety
Achieving Emotional Sobriety

Achieving Emotional Sobriety

Hear what it takes to achieve Emotional Wellness and Intelligence for improved company culture and empowered Leadership.

Speaking Peace in a World of Conflict
Speaking Peace in a World of Conflict


Speaking Peace in a World of Conflict

Experience what it takes, to speak the empowered language that leads to peace. Imagine the strength you will gain by 

having the tools to navigate misunderstandings, upsets, and conflicts in a productive way.

Establishing and Leveraging Trust
Establishing and Leveraging Trust

Establishing and Leveraging Trust

What is Trust? How can an organization operate without it? Hear the 7 ways to establish a growing, trusting organization.

Becoming an Authentic Leader
Becoming an Authentic Leader


Becoming An Authentic Leader

We all read and hear about leadership.  Bill shares what it really takes to not only lead but to be an authentic leader.  

Needs-Based Marketing
Needs-Based Marketing


Needs Based Marketing

Whether it is the marketing of a product, service, or politician; the importance of getting a person to take an action to engage is essential. 

Customize the Presentation for Your Event
Customize the Presentation for Your Event

Custom a Talk for Your Event

Enrich your event to have maximum impact. Let’s clarify the outcomes and deliverables of your audience experience so you hit the bullseye of your objectives.

  • Extraordinary Virtual Delivery

    Engaged Facilitation of Virtual Meetings.

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    Enriching and Inspiring Messages that Transform People and Business.  

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    Customized Presentations to Fit Your Event. 

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    Inspiring, Thought Provoking, Enriching and Valuable Content.

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    Invite the Communication Expert to Engage with your Media Audience. 

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