How do labels and diagnoses affect voters? Based on how President Donald Trump is delivering his messages, it can steer people’s belief in the shortest time possible. In this episode, Bill Stierle and Tom talk about the dangers of labels and diagnoses. They talk about how these things affect arguments and stir up emotions that manifest in our actions. They point out how people’s self-worth is attached to Trump as an example. Join Bill and Tom as they have another interesting conversation on label problems and how others, especially democrats, are taking the labeling bait.
We’ve seen a lot of labels thrown around in the media. That would be a great thing to touch on.
The danger of labels and diagnoses, we’ve covered in a previous episode. The big part about that now is that labels and diagnoses as you continue to say, use them and not convert those labels and diagnoses to the root cause of why the person is saying the thing that you’re calling, whether it’s racism, bipolar, narcissist or whatever label and diagnoses that you put on the person. What happens is the other side that is being called that label and diagnoses gets to argue with you. It’s strange but they’ll say, “No, I’m not,” because you’re not arguing for the subtexts about what the person is saying. You’re trying to prove the context if the label fits. You’re arguing facts again. You can’t argue the facts. The fact is that my guy is not a racist because I’m not a racist and I voted for him. I’m not a racist, but I believe in what he’s doing. Look at all the great things he’s doing.
Let’s put a little context on this because what we’re talking about is the President launched a typical tweetstorm, a series of tweets where he was criticizing these particular US representatives in the House of Representatives. He’s telling them among other things that they should go back to where they came from, run those countries, come back and tell us how to do it here in the US. I’m paraphrasing. I’m not literally quoting this thing. It was largely viewed as a thinly-veiled racist message. When you talk about derogatory terms that were used especially in the early twentieth century for immigrants, people without papers and coming from other countries, they were often said, “Go back to where you came from. You’re not supposed to be here. You’re not an American.” That’s the basis of what a lot of people and certainly the media latched onto at first. This is the reality of media, this 24-hour news cycle. They immediately see and respond to it and labeled it as racist.
People had been working themselves up to as some of the newscasters are starting to get around to is like, “When he came down the escalator, I called it at the beginning. That’s a dog whistle.” There’s another label. “That’s a trope.” That’s another problem there. The problem is you’ve got to talk about what kind of racism is it and have that in the same narrative. It’s okay to use a label so you get off the label quickly. Don’t stay on the label because what happens is it gives the other side a margin of argument. Is this a racism that is based on mutual respect? Talk about mutual respect. Do not talk about racism anymore. This is racist. It doesn’t meet the need for mutual respect as American looks like.
That would be very different.
I’m talking about the right thing. This statement has racism because it doesn’t meet the need for fairness. Here’s what fairness looks like for all Americans. The President is dividing us with that phrase because it’s not about fairness. You come back to the root of what the heart of the conversation is. Do not stay in the label of racist because it’s racist or not racist.
Where’s the line? How much does someone have to do to be a racist or are we now going to have classes of your level one racist?
It’s like the gradation of and this is why the dictionary keeps changing and adding new words. This is why the DSM-5, the diagnosis manual for psychologists keeps adding new labels and diagnoses because we’re trying to describe and put a label on behavior and the nuance of behavior. Here’s a great example. Here’s a term that’s not used anymore in diagnosis because the construct of it is lost, neurotic. They’re neurotic. That person is neurotic, hysteric or hysterical.
Hysterical resonates with me because if you understand the root of the word hysteria or hysterical, it was a medical term at the time. It was a diagnosis.
Hysterectomy is I’m taking out a woman’s part because this is causing her hysteria. It’s very scary and it’s surreal words. Words create emotion because they activate the needs of ours and those needs cause the feeling to activate inside our body. It happens so instantly that the person’s brain can’t get ahold of it and have a quality discussion or a civil discourse to take place between the two different people. The candidates are fundamentally making the mistakes and they’re walking into the labeled trap. Candidates don’t know that they’re running against language usage. They don’t know that’s what they’re doing.
That’s a light bulb moment right there in case anyone didn’t realize it. The candidates don’t know they’re running against language.
They don’t know that they’re running about language positioning. They don’t know it because all you’ve got to do is flip to Senator Kamala Harris. She says, “Yes, that’s racist.” That’s the only snippet she’s getting. If she pulls it back and somebody asks the racist question and she says, “Mutual respect for American’s look like, fairness for Americans looks like.” She gains points and votes because she’s not doing what everybody else is doing, calling my guy a racist.
We’ve talked about Kamala Harris before because she’s an attorney and a prosecutor. That’s a little bit of a problem for her. She’s largely a black and white thinker.
There’s some black and white thinking going on here. All or none thinking that takes place in that mindset is you are innocent until you’re proven guilty. While I have all these points of guiltiness but notice how that doesn’t make a difference for the voter who has already put their identity and hook their identity wagon onto Donald Trump. They’ve hooked the identity. My self-worth is attached to him. My truth is attached to him. That’s how he’s purchased truth. The voters do not know that they’ve been sold by language messaging. The guy is a great sizzle. He’s the sizzle king. He sells sizzle. We’re not even talking about his steaks but he sells sizzle.
We’re not talking about his time in the WWF. He’s the sizzle guy.
That small label changes to here is how he’s activating the needs for identity that is causing the person to anticipate that their identity will fill better when he’s in the Oval Office rather than the other person that is being cast as the enemy, that is the Democrat.
Those Democrats and Lindsey Graham did the same thing. They’re communists. He’s reaching for a very old label. That’s why we didn’t like the Russians before, but now that they’re oligarchs and it’s run as an authoritarian state, that’s okay? It’s okay to have Benito Mussolini in there instead. Is that what’s okay now? Yeah, because we have our own authoritarian person. Many voters are interested in extending trust as the leader because they appreciate the person who has the power to fire people and that has the wealth and privilege that they don’t have. I’d rather put my identity behind that person.
Here comes the problem with the label is that if you are a white nationalist or a racist and the President is called a racist, you’re like, “Okay, so what?” If you’re someone who is among the people that voted for Donald Trump, he’s your guy and you’re like, “I’m not a racist.” They don’t want to believe that the guy they voted for is a racist either. It’s either you are or you aren’t. You’re on the team with the racist or you’re not. If you’re on the team, you’re going to be defensive saying that tweet wasn’t racist. The argument becomes, was that statement a racist statement or was it not? Instead of talking about what an awful statement and position, what he said was in a more nuanced way and a more compassionate way. This makes perfect sense to me. The Democrats missed a huge opportunity.
They had him on seven different angles that they could have all picked. One could have picked the fairness angle. One could have picked the mutual respect angle. One could have picked how support looks like. One could have picked what justice would look like. They’ve already got four of them. Somebody could have picked identity. Is this the identity the American wants to go to? What they were doing is, it’s small movements of votes from one side to the other side. It’s not you’re going to say the definitive sentence and that’s going to move you over. That’s not the way it works. It’s small messages done over a period of time, which gets people to buy things that don’t work. Many Americans still buy things that don’t work. They buy things and pay too much money for them because they’ve been sold the sizzle. There’s no stake there. There’s no product or service there. They paid money for something they got nothing from. That allows the rich person to sell the same thing. It gives them an opportunity to pollute the environment, justify it and referenced to profit. It gives them that opportunity to do that.
The President seemingly shot himself in the foot or should have with this tweetstorm, which now has been labeled as racist. There’s an argument going on about whether it’s racist or not and people are aligning on one side of the other. The Democrats seemingly didn’t do themselves any favors either because the four US representatives or members of the US House of Representatives have also been labeled. Maybe they did it themselves. That didn’t help them either. You have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. These four US freshmen representatives, all people of color in one way or another, all US citizens, although one wasn’t born in the US have labeled themselves as the squad.
It’s problematic. It’s disappointing that they’ve picked that brand or that label to go by the squad because the squad or the team is not claiming any respect or any brand identity that’s going to work. Regrettably, America runs on branded product purchasing because that’s what capitalism is all about. It works on using words in certain ways and it’s using certain labels and diagnoses in a certain way to say, “This is what Coca-Cola looks like and this is what Pepsi looks like. Those other colas are not very good colas, they’re just colas within their special formula.” Integrity plays into this thing because the integrity of a conversation is internal that can turn into a very strong external powerful conversation by saying, “This is what justice looks like. This is what support for the immigrants look like.” We’re not breaking the rules. We’re not opening the gates, but support for human life looks like. What support for human looks like for a person that is fleeing a country that their son is being recruited to be in a gang to deliver drugs and they’re twelve. What the support for that mother and her son looks like is a bed, food and a shower to start. That’s what it looks like. Do you think I could get a few votes?
Yeah, I’m sure you could.
That’s an integrity conversation. Integrity conversation is allowing the language to help you deliver the message and not get caught in the wall or no wall, border or no border, problem or no problem.
Are you with the squad or are you not with the squad? Are you in the squad or are you out of the squad? This squad label is going to be a barrier to fellow representatives in the House supporting them as much as they otherwise would. Are they going to be willing to be labeled as a member of the squad? Is this the Jets and the Sharks again? Where are we here?
It is the Jets and the Sharks. It is the two different gang members. It’s interesting that this whole stirring of this thing took place right before the Mueller testimony. If it was happening after the testimony, think about somebody that is doing sizzle narrative. The sizzle narrative is, “I’m turning the stake onto the other side. I’m turning another steak over here.” They’re moving from what message are they turning to make sizzle and get you to look over to that other steak, “I’m looking at this other steak.” The problem is that it keeps us away from having an integrity conversation about one of them. One of the stakes is not being these things. All it’s doing is sizzling on one side and smelling good to a brain that’s hungry for identity. America is hungry for identity. We don’t have one right now.
Is it going to be white or is it going to be based on respect? Is it going to be just white or is it going to be based in fairness? Is it going to be white or is it going to be based in justice? Justice to me would look like people of color are being locked up at the rate they’re being locked and what they’re being locked up for and how they’re being locked up doesn’t meet the need for justice or the need for fairness, let alone respect and truth. It’s not being looked up that way. If somebody does or says something or plans a bank heist and gets caught with all the things that they’re doing to plan the bank heist, that’s called collusion, “I’m going to do that. I got caught with all the things or conspiracy to commit a crime.” If they are tampering with witnesses, that’s called obstruction. Anybody else that was a different color or had a different job is going to be struggling with jail right now. He is a master of stretching out and making the courts and everyone else get tired and getting off the hook. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Will the court in New York, the Southern District, try him? They might do it.
As you’ve talked about the different stakes and the sizzling going on here, there and everywhere, do you think this tweetstorm was misdirection to dominate the news cycle and not make the Mueller testimony as big as it otherwise would be or does it not matter? Is he putting as many steaks on the grill everywhere?
He’s not conscious of his specific strategy. The specific strategy he’s concentrating on is do a terrible tweet and watch the response. Watch the feedback that he’s getting. If he’s getting the outrage on one side, he’s winning and if he gets the silence on the other side, he’s winning. That’s where his win is. That’s what he’s looking to win between those two narratives.
Everybody in the GOP in the Senate who is being quiet is not condemning him nor attacking.
He’s winning there. None of them are doing it because those people also voted for those people. Now you’ve got a vote that said, “I voted for Lindsey Graham. I voted for Donald Trump. I’m sticking with the two of them.” Truth for Lindsey Graham left him a long time ago because he needed to leave the truth behind in order to stay alive politically because he’s watched how the master stake flipper has sizzled and fried everybody out. The violent language that comes in the direction of Jeff Flake or anybody else or Justin Amash that stands up, even though they’re in the place of integrity and truth, that’s irrelevant to him because he’s watching the needle. The needle for him is outrage silence. That gives him permission to keep doing more.
The silence is a non-endorsement endorsement?
If some businessmen and huge donors that respected him, that he respected, turned and went in the other direction, the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson. If one of those characters goes, “This is too much for me.”
Do you think Donald Trump would take notice of that?
No, the other Republicans would take notice.
That would give them cover.
“I’m not going with you. I’m cutting off my funding guy. You’re not worth it anymore. He bailed on you. I’m bailing on you.” It’s not until the money people bail that he’s in trouble. They have it. Here’s a good one. The guy that owns Home Depot is taking his whatever billions and donating the entire $3 billion that he’s worth or whatever to Donald Trump’s campaign.
I didn’t read that. He’s donating billions of dollars to the campaign? He must be doing it to a Super PAC because I don’t think you can give that much to a campaign, but the same effect.
“I’m taking these billions and I’m going to put it into this place of voting to the Republican Party or whatever.” He’s taking it and putting that. The backlash for me as somebody that is voting for mutual respect, fairness, justice, that’s how I’m voting. Notice I didn’t mention a candidate. I didn’t mention a party. I’m voting for respect, justice and fairness. That’s the person that’s going to say those things that I know that I got a sense that this person has got to take their best attempt in a certain current system that’s very difficult to work through. I want to put another person on that side of the fence because it might help us with justice, respect, fairness and the truth.
I don’t know if I’m going to get that, but I sure am going to look for it. Whether it’s a Republican or a Democrat, I need the integrity, fairness, justice and truth person to show up and I’ll vote for them. The other one that doesn’t look like a strong leader, even if they’re a Democrat, if the other person looks stronger, they look like they can get it done. I watch them vote to see if they do and I’ll vote them out next time. If I’m guided from the inside, my integrity is pretty good. If I’m guided by labels and diagnosis and even if I put myself in a label and diagnosis box, I’ve got to get out of that quick. I go, “We represent and we are standing for mutual respect, which looks like we need a conversation that stands for stability, that stands for these three values, mutual respect, justice and fairness.”
That black and white thinking or labeling and diagnosis, let’s take Kamala Harris as an example because she’s the obvious one. She is a person of color and she came out and said the statement was racist. She is putting herself in that place. Is that thinking and language being used eventually going to trip her up and hurt her more than help her rather than saying, “That doesn’t meet Americans’ need for justice and justice would look like this or might look like this?” Is it eventually going to spiral down to somewhere that’s not going to work?
If she doesn’t get off the label and diagnosis soon and onto the value that’s affecting her emotional, her message and her delivery will start to look jumpy. Donald Trump’s message is stable.
There’s a cognitive dissonance right there, “Donald Trump’s message is stable.”
It’s a very stable identity message. This is not what America looks like when it’s great. We’re great and when we’re great, we’re compliant. That is what he is messaging.
Compliant with what?
To the power and authority that you have given me and because I’m your leader, you’ve got to hand over unquestioned trust because I hold the truth. Don’t believe those cameras. Don’t believe what you’re seeing. It’s tough wreckage. He started an internal cold war. What would happen if somebody asks you, “Tom, there’s a group of people, a friend of mine. She has an American sister but her cousin is an illegal immigrant and this immigrant is filing their paperwork. Can they stay at your house because ICE knows where they live? Can they stay at your house for a couple of months?” That’s the question my friends and I asked around a circle, “Can they stay a couple of months?” The nice part about it is that we’re at least in a safe dialogue of what truth, integrity, justice are we standing for? We’re standing for due process of an immigrant. That’s what we’re standing for, not hiding an immigrant. We’re standing for a due process of an asylum seeker. What happens if they come to your door and they have guns? Would you be willing to give your life for that value or no? What happens if you lock the doors and they break it down?
Who are they? Are you talking about ICE?
ICE or it could be a police officer, a military person or whoever. It’s very dangerous narratives to say, “Go back to your country.” Meanwhile, I’m in my country. My response if I was one of those four women would be something like, “The President is feeling a little bit confused and a little bit frustrated that he’s not getting the support he would like for the wall he’s looking to build. He’s confused because I happen to be an American and this is my home. I don’t know what country I would go to because I’m fighting for the American values that I’m standing for, not necessarily my ethnicity. Ethnically, everybody can see that I come from an African-American background or I come from this background.”
They all could have stood up and said, “I come from this background.” It’s not the truth message, the fact message, “We’re all Americans.” It doesn’t stick. Empathy and compassion for the President would work much better. “It seems like the President is feeling angry, frustrated and aggravated because he’d like support regarding immigration. He seems like he feels a little confused because he’s mixing our identity as Americans with the color of our skin. He’s not seeing us as equal Americans because we are equal Americans to him.” Did you see how your brain is twisting around going like, “Who is teaching them messaging?” Their messaging is off. You don’t fight a tweet with an outrage to let that stick.
That’s not human nature.
As Gandhi would say, “Let’s not mix human nature with human conditioning.” Conditioning is different. Human nature is what you and I are doing right now. This is what human nature is. We’re having a wonderful and vibrant discussion about what American identity is. There are many countries around the world that make one religion their country’s religion. They have problems with that because they can’t get the diversity of vote they would like. They’re not taking the diversity of human beings. They’re saying, “Our country is this. Our country is not that.” When they do that and when they get that thing separated, what happens is they don’t know that when they do that and they don’t do the inclusion piece, it allows any other religious group to say, “You people over there, you’re not doing justice to other human beings and you’re taking advantage of other beings.”
There are many countries that their politics, the country’s identity and their religion are associated with each other. That has a lot of danger to it because you want a diversity of opinion and idea. You want to come back to the Constitution and the values that you stand for as a country. Stand for those versus weave them underneath a religious narrative, which has a problem because a religious narrative can be hijacked as we’re experiencing right now. The value of who is with us as our identity has been hijack by somebody who knows how to flip steaks, create sizzle, market, sell and brand.
What is the Trump Hotel? It’s a name on the front of the building. The quality is very different with all the different hotels. Even with the prices of the residences that he sells, the quality is different. Some people would say, “I’m in this place. I’m paying more for the brand than I ever am with the quality. They would know that quality is a lot less. They can see it. The walls are built this way. It looks this way. That doesn’t look like quality. It’s not something that will last. It’s something that gets a break and you get to charge me more because of the location. Integrity is what we’re trying to restore to here. Integrity with the conversation is staying away from the label and diagnosis. Diagnosis is the best way we can. What is the President going for? He’s going for identity. He’s going for an individuality. He’s associating the word great with a certain group of people and not great with another group of people. These are not the great Americans that you and I are. Can you see the separation or the divide showed up in your brain?
The divide is going to show up easily when we’re framing it that way. It’s about framing it with, “It’s not until the money people 1, 2, 3. It’s got to be the right money people too. It’s got to be the money people that are funding other people that are in the same identity as he is.” There’s a bunch of people that are there and some of the people are starting to move. The Koch brothers have moved some. They’re going like, “We’ve got this windfall but we’ve also got this other thing that’s coming up. We’ve energized this other group of people.” They could say the sentence as Bill Barr said, “I’m not worried about my legacy. Everybody dies.” I’m going like, “He is in it full-time to cover this guy. His identity has been the fixer. He’s just a different kind of Michael Cohen who is smarter and legal.”
He’s in a position of more power for sure.
He’s smarter and sharper. He knows how to shut up. He knows how to walk the legal line where Cohen doesn’t. That’s one way to get certain things to stick. Here are some of the things that Michael Cohen said. It seems that Bill Barr is doing the same thing at a different level with a different skill. Everybody will go like, “I could see the similarities between those two people.” The biggest challenge with this Purchasing Truth Podcast that you and I are experiencing is that this is the way language is used to purchase truth because, “He looks better. He doesn’t have an accent. He speaks more respectfully. He’s loyal and he’s on my team. He’s on our identity. We have a great guy.”
For example, with the Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, one of the biggest challenges that they face is that here’s a person that participated in something with somebody that almost all people would associate with somebody they would not have an identity or a relationship with. Yet, many of them did because what would it be like to be a billionaire? Many of the religious people said, “If I’m good enough, if I tithe, if I give money towards God, He’s going to reward me ten-fold.” Here’s a guy that got rewarded as a billionaire but yet had a completely shadow dark side to him that he was a billionaire. Did God reward him ten-fold? Is that what happened? Their identity gets stuck here regarding money and value. Donald Trump is a wealthy guy. Did God reward him? That’s one of the things they voted on.
He’s a successful businessman, therefore.
The need for identity is valuable for us as human beings, I need to know what I’m fighting for. I need to know what I’m standing for and I’m standing for this identity. It’s the most fun, benign and easiest nature. It’s when I wear a professional sports team or a college sports team jacket. I have loyalty and my identity is with this team. Let’s see what my team is going to do this year. Is my team a winner? The Donald Trump rally is a sports rally. It is a wrestling event. In this corner are us. In that other corner are them. Them, they are not American because they’re not us. We’ve got the red hat. We’ve got the red jacket. We’ve got the slogans. We have slogans we can yell. It’s very different.
Those things that they stand for are bad things. Socialism is a bad thing. Capitalism is a good thing. That wasn’t our experience in 2008. The challenge of protection, which some of the candidates, the ones that want to win need to start integrating. We need to protect ourselves. What protection looks like to me would look like legislation that cleans up this loophole of getting outside influence. There is a severe legal consequence for anybody that does this. Not a 1, 2, 3, 5, 7-year term. We’re talking over ten that crosses and messes with votes. If any government is caught doing it and any of their agents are brought in and have that experience and we do have that evidence that does that, it’s severe.
That’s still a huge opportunity issue for anybody opposing Donald Trump to latch onto that. No one is touching the whole thing that, “I’m going to make sure no one steals our election ever again without labeling the President.” You call him illegitimate. It’s brilliant and it’s American. I don’t get why no one’s realized this.
It’s the need for awareness. They’re not aware of the power of language and how to use language. It’s great that when somebody gets elected and they move into the public sector out of the private sector. They move into a place of standing up and standing into something that is of values of our country and standing for the values, not standing for the race of, not going after identity. That’s similar to going after a sports team identity. Using the word hateful doesn’t help you. Using the word racist doesn’t help you because they’ll say, “No, I’m not. No, he isn’t.” He had a Hispanic labor secretary. He said it four times when the guy was leaving. As if that’s not the strangest thing ever and he’s Hispanic.